Shutterstock is the largest subscription-based stock photo agency in the world. Every day we add thousands of photographs, illustrations, and vectors to our outstanding collection of premium, royalty-free images. You can choose a 25-A-Day Subscription for the greatest savings (get 25 downloads every day — that's 750 each month) or select an On Demand Subscription for the greatest flexibility (use downloads whenever you need them for up to a year). Select the plan that's best for you, or choose as many different plans as you need, and start downloading today.
Shutterstock Footage is prominently featured as a cost effective solution for videomakers in need of stock footage. The site is also listed as a great venue to earn extra money by selling your own stock footage.
(Videomaker, November 2008)
Shutterstock is highlighted in's "A Snappy Way To Make Money In Stock." Oringer discusses how Shutterstock submitters have great earning potential, with some making close to $10,000 a month.
(, September 2008)
Reviewed by abab
4:29 AM
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